1998 Daffodil Bulb Raffle and Auction

1998 Bulb Raffle and Auction

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President Jan Moyers (standing far right), welcomed everyone
and set the tone for this fun afternoon!

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Wayne Steele (standing in middle), gave information about the spring
Home and Garden Show coming in February.

Take note of the tables laden with bags of bulbs!

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Once again, Bob took up the reigns and auctioned off the
“next show winner” bulbs.

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Yes, it is time to eat and Barb and Bob are ready for the feast!

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Folks are lining up for the great food and Jan’s BBQ Turkey!

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Who’s this guy in a Northern Ireland Daffodil World Tour shirt and
a plate full of food?  Ben Blake, my husband!

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Now here’s a pair to draw to…Mike & Ben!
Only trouble can come from this combination.

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The NCDS would like to thank our Vice President, Mary Smith, for graciously hosting our Annual Bulb Raffle & Auction each year.

Photos by Nancy Tackett